ALgorithms for the MANagement of Acute CHildhood illnesses, better known as ALMANACH

Digital application derived from IMCI, improving the quality of paediatric care at primary encounter level

Project start date : 02/05/2016

Last updated : 15/04/2024

Beneficiary country : Nigeria

Healthcare themes targeted

  • Mother and child health
  • Primary healthcare
  • Nutrition
  • Malaria/paludism
  • Infectious diseases
  • Vaccination
  • Dermatology

Fields of application

  • Other(s) (specify)

Stage of development

  • Routine project/operational

Financing method

  • Public (grant/subsidies, call for proposals/call for tender, etc.)
  • Other (please specify)

Area where the project is utilised

  • International (in several countries)

Economic model(s)

  • Other (please specify)

Target audience

  • Healthcare professionals and structures (hospitals, healthcare centres/clinics, health networks)
  • Sick people
  • Young children (0-5 years)
  • Patient family/entourage

Project objectives

  • Decreased mortality
  • Decreased morbidity
  • Improved treatment
  • Other (please explain)

Materials used

  • Tablet

Technologies used

  • Internet
  • Mobile app (Android, iOS, Windows Phone, HTML5, etc.)
  • Other (please specify)

Offline use


Open source


Open data


Independent evaluation


About the sponsor

Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute, Basel, Switzerland

The Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH) is a world-leading institute in global health with a particular focus on low- and middle-income countries. Associated with the University of Basel, Swiss TPH combines research, services, and education and training at the local, national and international level. Over 800 people from more than 70 nations work at Swiss TPH focusing on infectious and non-communicable diseases, environment, society and health as well as health systems and interventions.

Sector : Healthcare (professionals and structures)

Country of origin : Switzerland

Contact : Sponsor website Project website