An mHealth application to unify pharmacy professionals from all over the world, in a single platform
Project start date : 03/01/2017
Last updated : 16/03/2022
Beneficiary country : Philippines (the) Indonesia Viet Nam Cambodia Thailand Malaysia
What problem does the initiative address ?
There is no single unified mobile platform for pharmacy professionals, where in they can interact with fellow professionals, access the latest news and information, and most especially gain government accredited Continuing Professional Development (CPD) knowledge and units. They want to solve this because they believe that if pharmacists can have a better access to information and education, they can better contribute in the improvement of public health.
Detailed description of the initiative
SwipeRx is a mobile digital platform that unifies pharmacy professionals from various sectors into a global platform. It allows pharmacy professionals to communicate with colleagues, to receive information regarding government policies and news, to learn about public health initiatives, to discover latest research opportunities, and to gain Continuing Professional Development (CPD) units.
Since launching in January 2017, SwipeRx has attracted over 60,000 users in Vietnam, Indonesia, the Philippines, Cambodia, Thailand, and Malaysia. Through partnerships with public sector organizations such as the World Health Organization – Western Pacific Region (WHO WPR), mClinica has been able to disseminate their content to a wider audience and directly target pharmacy professionals. Quickly informing large groups of professionals will accelerate policy implementation and strategies to drive measurable impact. mClinica plans to provide more value to SwipeRx users by increasing the variety of content on the mobile application. SwipeRx quickens the transmission and access of relevant information for academia, public health organizations, and other entities in the pharmacy field, which will educate and elevate their competencies as professionals thus improving patient health.
Value for Pharmacist Professionals Communication Tool :
Get the latest updates from government and public sector organizations
Discuss important topics with fellow pharmacists
Research FDA-registered drugs and additional information for molecules Education Tool
Free CPD Modules and Credits
Digital CPD certification upon completing online exam Information Tool
Drug information directory
Adverse event reporting Value for the Academe
Connect students to job opportunities from hundreds of local and multinational companies
Communicate and collaborate with working pharmacy professionals
Announce events, research opportunities, and scholarships to pharmacy students Value for Ministries of Health, Regulators, and NGOs
Announce latest Ministry of Health regulations and policies
Release public health-related news
Announce FDA drug warnings and recalls in real-time through instant notification
Provide health educational modules to targeted audience- the pharmacy professionals
What is the proposed solution added value ?
They hope to provide value to pharmacy professionals ,in terms of improving their professional competencies, translating it to better delivery of quality patient care, without any cost or fee for these professionals.
170 000
Number of beneficiaries since launch
200 Full-Time equivalents
50 Employees
N/C Volunteers
N/C Service providers

170 000
Number of beneficiaries since launch
Target audience
- Healthcare professionals and structures (hospitals, healthcare centres/clinics, health networks)
Project objectives
Materials used
- Smartphone
Technologies used
- Mobile app (Android, iOS, Windows Phone, HTML5, etc.)
Offline use
Open source
Open data
Independent evaluation
About the sponsor
mClinica Health Solutions, Inc.
Across many developing countries, pharmacy professionals are fragmented. Pharmacists are essential to public health, as they interface with patients every day. Public health organizations such as governments, NGOs and academic institutions have difficulty in reaching pharmacy professionals and the patients they serve.
mClinica, through its mobile technology platform, allows for education, communication and information dissemination to pharmacy professionals at scale. Supported by public sector donors and investors, mClinica is a public health social enterprise focused on strengthening pharmacies and public health in Southeast Asia.
Sector : Healthcare (professionals and structures)
Country of origin :
Contact : Sponsor website Project website