Rapid SMS in Burundi

The Rapid SMS initiative is an innovative system based on mobile technology, specially designed for community health workers (CHWs), to improve health monitoring for pregnant women, newborns and young children.

Project start date : 01/10/2016

Last updated : 20/09/2023

Beneficiary country : Burundi

Healthcare themes targeted

  • Mother and child health

Fields of application

  • Health professional training
  • Telemedicine (remote diagnosis and consultations)
  • Patient monitoring and medical data

Stage of development

  • Routine project/operational

Financing method

  • Intergovernmental or international agency

Area where the project is utilised

  • National (in one country only)

Economic model(s)

  • Subsidies

Target audience

  • Pregnant women
  • Young children (0-5 years)

Project objectives

  • Decreased mortality
  • Improved treatment

Materials used

  • Cellular (mobile) phone
  • Smartphone
  • Computer

Technologies used

  • Mobile telecommunications (without data connection)
  • Internet
  • Mobile app (Android, iOS, Windows Phone, HTML5, etc.)

Offline use


Open source


Open data


Independent evaluation


About the sponsor

Burundi Ministry of Public Health and the Fight against AIDS

The National Reproductive Health Programme (PNSR) is a programme of Burundi’s Ministry of Public Health and the Fight against AIDS, whose mission is to promote reproductive health at national level.

Sector : Institutions (Communities, public authorities, NGOs, foundations, etc.)

Country of origin : Burundi

Contact : Sponsor website Project website



    Institutions (Communities, public authorities, NGOs, foundations, etc.)

  • Econet-Leo

    Industrial (Startups, enterprises, etc.)