Microplanning & GIS Data Collection

Developing more reliable GPS-generated population models to improve health intervention planning in Nigeria

Project start date : 01/05/2013

Last updated : 16/03/2022

Beneficiary country : Nigeria

Healthcare themes targeted

  • Primary healthcare
  • Vaccination

Fields of application

  • Information, education and communication for behaviour change (IEC)

Stage of development

Financing method

  • Public (grant/subsidies, call for proposals/call for tender, etc.)

Area where the project is utilised

  • National (in one country only)

Economic model(s)

  • Donations

Target audience

  • Healthcare professionals and structures (hospitals, healthcare centres/clinics, health networks)

Project objectives

  • Other (please explain)

Materials used

  • Cellular (mobile) phone

Technologies used

  • Mobile telecommunications (without data connection)
  • Internet
  • Geolocation
  • Mobile app (Android, iOS, Windows Phone, HTML5, etc.)

Offline use


Open source


Open data


Independent evaluation

Yes, auto-evaluated or evaluated by a related organization

About the sponsor

eHealth Africa

Founded in 2009, eHA’s mission is to build stronger health systems through the design and implementation of data-driven solutions that respond to local needs and provide underserved communities with tools to lead healthier lives. Based in Africa, eHA achieves its mission through establishing new standards in health delivery and emergency response through the integration of information, technology, and operations.
eHA has country offices in Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Liberia, and Germany and works across West Africa and are currently executing projects in many countries in the region, including Chad, Cameroon, DRC, Niger, and others. eHealth Africa has over 700 staff working across these offices and project offices. Leveraging an integrated approach as much as possible, eHA focuses on the following 5 areas:

Health Delivery Systems
Public Health Emergency Management Systems
Disease Surveillance Systems
Laboratory [&] Diagnostic Systems
Nutrition [&] Food Security Systems

Sector : Healthcare (professionals and structures)

Country of origin : Nigeria

Contact : Sponsor website Project website